Forms & Applications
City of Westwood - Special Events Permit
City of Westwood - Special Events Permit

Portable Storage Container/Dumpster Permit Application
Portable Storage Container/Dumpster Permit Application
Under Westwood Code of Ordinances CHAPTER 93 PORTABLE STORAGE CONTAINERS (Ord. 3 Series 2012-2013, passed 6-4-2012) to regulate and limit the time and placement of portable storage containers, sometimes called “portable on-demand storage” (PODS) containers used for temporary storage and dumpsters (either may be referred to as a “Container”), Residents must apply for a permit to place a Container on their property. A permit will be issued for a maximum of 14 days from the earlier of either the date of permit issuance or the date on which the Container was delivered to/set on the property. IF ANY TAXES OR FEES ARE DUE/IN ARREARS, APPLICATION WILL BE DENIED.

Annual Registration and Permitting of Rental Properties
Annual Registration and Permitting of Rental Properties
Westwood Ordinance No. 5, Series 2013-2014

Solicitation in Westwood
Under Louisville Metro Ordinance No. 57-2009, Am. Ord. 210-2011, any person who conducts house-to-house selling or taking orders for goods or services, must have a Louisville Metro Peddler License. Any person, firm, or corporation desiring to secure a license as a peddler or vendor shall make written application, under oath, on a form provided by the Department of Codes and Regulations. No license is required for any member(s) of a religious, charitable, health, welfare, educational, political or youth service organization selling goods or services to raise funds for their organization.Vendors in Westwood must also obtain a Westwood Solicitation Permit. Once issued, a Westwood permit is good for one year.The Permit Application is attached to this post and must be approved and signed by the Mayor. If a Vendor comes to your residence and does not have both permits, they cannot conduct business in the City.Solicitation in Westwood