Ad Valorem Taxes - Information


If you need a copy of a tax bill or information about payments made/due on a particular property in Westwood, you must submit the request in writing by email. The City will not accept requests via voicemail/phone.

Please send an email to the Treasurer and Clerk (information on the City Contacts page) with the name of the homeowner and the street address and the information needed. The City does not use property/parcel ID numbers.



All payments must be mailed!

Ad Valorem Tax Payment Address:

City of Westwood

PO Box 221287

Louisville, KY 40252-1287

*Please note, tax payments are only accepted through the post office box.

The City WILL NOT ACCEPT payments made by the following methods:

  • in-person payments;
  • delivered directly to the Clerk, Treasurer, any Commissioner, City's Attorney; or,
  • cash

Each August, the City of Westwood mails the annual City Ad Valorem Tax bills.

For homeowners who do not have their bill paid by their mortgage company, the bill is mailed directly to the home.

Updating Your Name/Address with The Jefferson County PVA

The City’s Ad Valorem Tax Bill mailing list is generated by the Jefferson County Property Valuation Administration with the address and homeowner names currently on file.

If you change your name, due to marriage or divorce, the change must be made with Jefferson County.

If you move from Westwood, but maintain property in the City, to ensure your Ad Valorem Tax bill will be received at your new address, please make sure your contact information with Jefferson County PVA is up to date.

All address change requests must come from the homeowner: the City of Westwood is not authorized to make any name or address changes on behalf of a homeowner.

To change your address, you can download the Change of Mailing Address form for Residential Property in the Forms and Tools section on the PVA’s website at

Or, call the Jefferson County PVA at (502) 574-6380 ext. 608 to request an address change.